The Best People to Answer Your Calls
Knowledge is power.
You wouldn’t have someone with no knowledge of dentistry answer at your dental clinic, so why would you have someone without veterinary knowledge answer your phones at your veterinary clinic?
Veterinary receptionists are the first contact with your clients and their animals. It is a very important position, as we give the first impression of the veterinary clinic. We need to be welcoming, helpful, knowledgeable, empathetic and efficient. To be a great veterinary receptionist, you must keep a cool head in emergencies and think fast on your feet.
We are also the last impression people have of the clinic. Did they get all their questions asked? Was their prescription sent to the pharmacy? Did you need to send pet files somewhere else for them? So many things happen during the day, that the need to balance and prioritize what needs to be done is extremely important. Veterinary receptionists wear many hats throughout the day, and they need to be able to multi-task to ensure it all gets done.
Being empathic towards animals and their owners is very important. You may have an owner whose pet is having serious medical issues and they are not in a calm frame of mind when they call. Being empathic and knowledgeable enough to calm them to get them here with their animals in a safe manner is important.
Veterinary receptionists are so much more than “someone who answers our phones”. They ensure your clients feel safe and secure in bringing their animals to your clinic for care.

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